How do I rent a Mobile Dumpster?

Renting a Mobile Dumpster with us is as easy as selecting a dumpster size, and clicking on the Book Now option on the website or calling us at 845-399-0934 to place your order.


How long do I have the Mobile Dumpster for?

The average dumpster rental period is typically 4-7 days depending on the size.  You can also schedule a pickup before the end of your rental period if you're done early.  Should  you need to keep your Mobile Dumpster for additional days, we might be able to extend your rental for a low daily fee.


What can I put in the Mobile Dumpster?

Almost Anything can be disposed of in a Mobile Dumpster.  The easier way to answer this question is by telling what cannot be placed in the Mobile Dumpster.


What CANNOT be disposed of in a Mobile Dumpster?

No Asbestos, Oil, Bulk Liquids including “Wet Paint”, Chemicals,    Cleaners/Solvents of any kind, Highly Flammable items, Bio-medical, Toxic or Hazardous materials.  Click on the link for the complete list Link.  If you are unsure about an item, just give us  a call 845-399-0934.                 


What do I do with Wet Paint?

Wet Paint must be dried.  To dry the paint you can add absorbent material such as shredded newspaper, sand or cat box litter to speed drying. Some paint stores also sell a waste paint hardener.  Or, Latex Paint is recyclable.  Check with your local paint store and ask if they can recycle it for you ♻️


Are there Items that cost extra money to dispose of?

Yes, there are a few items which incur additional costs.  Click on the link for a full list of Items which Incur Additional Costs


Do I need to be home for dropoff or pickup?

 No,  Prior to drop off, we will discuss and coordinate a time for dropoff, pickup and the location you would like it on your property.


Where can the Mobile Dumpsters be placed?

 Almost anywhere.  A 10 yd Mobile Dumpster is approx 6 feet wide making it able to fit into narrow driveways, into backyards, through fence gates etc.  They are on rubber tires which makes them safe for blacktop and grass


Who loads the Dumpster? You or I?

 We offer both options. We can drop you off a Mobile Dumpster for you to load yourself or We can load it for you.  For a Full Service Cleanout please click on the link below to request an estimate or call 845-399-0934


What size dumpsters do you offer?

 We offer both 10 and 15 yd sizes, however can accommodate up to a 30 yard size by providing a combination of Mobile Dumpsters.


How should I Load my Mobile Dumpster

 Typically start with the largest items first  Mattresses and Box Springs should be placed along the sides of the Mobile Dumpster.  If you load your largest items first, you will find room around or inside of them for the smaller items.  Items cannot exceed the height of the dumpster sides.  The Mobile Dumpster must be tarped at the time of pickup and it must be safe to tow.


How does payment work?

 Payment is typically made prior to drop off. When booking you will be asked to provide a credit card that will be held on file, however in addition to accepting all major credit cards we also accept other service providers such as Venmo, Zelle, CashApp, PayPal, Cash or Personal Check.